After severe weather strikes, ensuring the safety and integrity of your home becomes a top priority. One crucial step in this process is conducting a thorough post-storm roof inspection. By assessing potential damage and addressing issues promptly, you can prevent further complications down the line.
Dos and Don’ts for Assessing Your Roof After a Storm
  1. Prioritize Safety: Before climbing up to your roof, make sure it’s safe to do so. Check for downed power lines or other hazards in the area. Hire a contractor to check it for you if you’re not able to or uncomfortable doing it yourself.
  2. Start From Inside: Examine your attic for signs of water leaks or moisture. Look for stains on the ceiling or walls, as they could indicate roof damage.
  3. Check For Debris: Inspect your roof for any debris such as branches, leaves, or dislodged shingles. Remove them carefully to prevent further damage.


  1.  Walk On A Damaged Roof: If you notice visible damage from the ground, avoid walking on the roof as it could be unstable and pose a risk of injury.
  2. Attempt Repairs Without Professional Assistance: While small repairs like replacing missing shingles can be done by homeowners with experience, larger repairs should be left to the professionals who have the necessary expertise.
  3. Delay Repairs: Address any issues immediately to prevent further damage. Even minor problems can worsen over time if left unattended.
Identifying Signs of Damage: From Shingles to Gutters
  • Look out for missing or loose shingles, as they can leave your roof vulnerable to water leaks and significant damage.
  • Inspect for shingles that are cracked, curling, or blistering, as these are all indications of deterioration.
  • During storms, shingles tend to lose their protective granules as well. Check the gutter for evidence of this.
  • Don’t forget to check the roofs flashing.
Remember, proactive roof maintenance can save you money and preserve the value of your property. Prioritize safety and address any issues promptly!